A rainy day today, but we met our local guide, Margaret, who took us to Krakow University, where Copernicus studied, and which dates to the 14th century. We especially wanted to visit the Franciscan Church near Wawel Castle where we saw the spectacular windows designed by Stanislaw Wyspiansky in the early 20th century....controversial at the time, and in Art Nouveau style. More photos of his work appear in the next post. Wawel Hill, site of the castle and Krakow Cathedral, sits on a prominent hill and overlooks the central city. We only visited the courtyard, which reminded us of some we had seen in Italy last May. We returned to the central square in the old town and saw the daily opening of the altar sculpture, covered in gold leaf in St. Mary's Church, then heard the trumpeter play the patriotic tune of the Heynal again at noon.
Wlad will be our guide and driver for the next 8 days. He is enthusiastic, funny, and knowledgable. We are so comfortable here in Krakow - friendly people, lots of English spoken, interesting sights. Too bad we planned for only one day!
Courtyard at Krakow University |
Old Town Krakow on a rainy day |
Wawel Castle Courtyard, designed by Italian architect |
St. Mary's Church in Rynek (main square) Krakow |
Stained glass window, S. Wyspiansky, Franciscan Church, Krakow |
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